

Partner Royal Agrifirm Group introduces itselves

Geert Bruggeman from Royal Agrifirm introduces itself... Geert Bruggeman, [...]

Celebrating 10 years of Feed Design Lab

Celebrating 10 years of Feed Design Lab On June [...]

Stefan Kuijpers becomes the new director of Feed Design Lab

Stefan Kuijpers becomes the new director of Feed [...]


Feed Design Lab is the leading practical research and education centre for innovation and sustainability in the animal feed sector. More than 100 companies from across the sector, based both in the Netherlands and abroad, are partners in Feed Design Lab and participate actively in our network.


Feed Design Lab has three primary activities: renting out our test plant, providing training and developing projects. Feed Design Lab is unique in this – nowhere else in Europe do research, training and trial feed production all take place within the same institute.

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