PCA: Final symposium ‘Pelleting in the Circular Agriculture’

Final symposium ‘Pelleting in the Circular Agriculture’ on Tuesday, September 10 at Feed Design Lab

The project is an initiative of Victam, WUR, Zetadec, Aeres and Feed Design Lab, Agrifirm, PTN, Phileo, DSM and Elanco.
We studied how co-products from agriculture and (food) industry can be effectively included in pellet feed, without effecting pellet quality, from a technological perspective. These co-products originate, for example, from food- or biofuel production. The project has now been completed and the results will be presented during this symposium.

Click here to download or view the complete program (PDF)

In exceptional cases, the project meeting may have a maximum number of participants. In that case we will consult with you.

Participant / Deelnemer

Cancellation/Afmelden: If you are unexpectedly unable to participate in the project meeting, you may register a replacement participant once. In that case, please notify us in advance via:joycekleuskens@feeddesignlab.nl Mocht je onverhoopt verhinderd zijn om deel te nemen aan de projectbijeenkomst, dan mag je eenmalig een vervangende deelnemer aanmelden. Geef dit dan vooraf even door via:joycekleuskens@feeddesignlab.nl