For and by our partner companies, we develop projects that contribute to the goal of achieving a sustainable animal protein chain. The focus here is on health, technology and the use of new raw materials.
Feed Design Lab was participating actively in research such as the PPP Circular Bio-economy and a project with the application of algae in animal feed. We are also interested in new raw materials such as insects.
Palatability and digestibility tests in dogs
In recent years the Feed Design Lab pilot plant is used frequently for making dog feed: in experiments as well for test feed production. We have decided to offer a complete set for projects with palatability and/or digestibility experiments in dogs.
Together with you we will make the design of the experiment, making a choice from the possibilities and amount of treatments. We take care of the calculation of the feed compositions, buying the ingredients, production of the test feeds, transport of the feeds to the kennel where the test with dogs will be performed. We arrange the sampling and analysing and process the data into results. You will receive a report and after care.
For partner companies asking for a palatability test with 1 product, the possibility to join in a Feed Design Lab project with other interested partner companies to perform the test together.
This tastes like more?
Please contact Ageeth van der Lee:
t: 06 – 304 36 743
Algae and insects
In the last months we prepared a Feed Design Lab project on insects. Are you interested to participate as a partner in this project in which we use 2 substrate to grow Black Soldier Fly larvae and afterwards test different drying methods.
This is an interesting project for feed or petfood companies starting with suppling feed for insects or using insect products as an ingredient. Also interesting for technical suppliers in the plant to develop in this new market. The project proposal is still open for additional ideas.
Feed Design Lab was also active in the INTERREG IDEA project. The website of this project tells more about this: https: //
Read the press release (may 2022)
Interested in discussing these topics? Please contact:
Optimal particle size in broiler feeds
Feed Design Lab partners joint-funded a project carried out by Zetadec and Feed Design Lab. The aim was to identify the optimal particle size for corn, wheat and soya meal used as raw materials in broiler feed. A coarse and fine variant of each test material was produced. These were then used to create six combinations or “treatments” that were manufactured as pelleted trial feeds. After feeding these to broilers, the results in terms of growth, feed intake, feed conversion and litter score were calculated and processed statistically. In the presentations and final report, the measurements taken during raw material and feed production and the subsequent broiler trial were discussed and conclusions were drawn.
Use of circular co-products in livestock feeds
The 13 companies and knowledge centres of the Public Private Partnership Circular Bio-economy worked together to optimize resource use efficiency and increasing the possibilities to use co-products in animal feed in a safe and sustainable way. New local sourcing strategies were developed to improve the European self-sufficiency of feed ingredients. One of the activities was the study on the application and nutritional value of Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) in pig and poultry diets. Besides a quantitative exploration of the acceptance of PAPs by meat consumers was performed.
Other activities focused on technological processes to improve applicability of feed ingredients and co-products. High mineral levels in certain co-products may limit their use in feed. Therefor, a study on demineralization of co-products was performed. Also, a method to increase the protein content of legumes, such as lupins and faba beans, was investigated. Moreover, pelleting tests and a piglet performance test was performed to maximize the inclusion level of liquid co-products in pelleted feed.
Within the PPP, a practical checklist was developed to assess the potential of new feed ingredients, which is not limited to nutritional, economic, and feed safety assessment, but also includes environmental, social and governmental criteria. Read more about the practical checklist.
Read more on the website of the use of circular co-products in livestock feeds.
At the closing of this project a webinar was held to present results. Use this link to find the recordings of this webinar (January 31, 2023).
Managing on manure output in pig farming
During the first phase of the project literature study has been done by a student of the HAS University. The content of this literature study was mainly about:
- Digestion and intake of the pig;
- Analyse possibilities of manure;
- Functions of trace elements, vitamins & minerals, etc.;
- Exogenous influences on animal welfare.
A second student of the HAS University did actual fieldwork during the second phase of this project. Manure samples have been collected at two pig farms who opened up for collaboration. The manure samples are mainly collected on group level, a single one on animal level. Next the samples have been analysed by Near-InfraRed spectroscopy (NIR). NIR measures a broad scale of specific frequencies of molecules on the whole spectrum. The NIRS clearly showed differences between the two test farms and also between individual and group samples. The analysed samples showed that differences in manure can be linked to differences in animal prestations and/or health status by the use of NIR. Follow-up research after the use of monitoringssystem is advisible.
The project has been submitted at WUR who will do further research on individual animal level and refining the technology around NIR.
For more information click on the link below:
11 partner companies within the Feed Design Lab network from 5 countries joint-funded a project on optimal particle size of raw materials used in pelleted piglet feed. The aim was to identify the optimal particle size for wheat, barley and soy bean meal used as raw materials in pelleted piglet feed. 4 treatments were tested in the weaner and rearing phase of piglets in an experimental farm.
Feed intake, growth, feed conversion ratio and faecal scores were calculated and statistically processed. In the presentations and final report, the measurements taken during raw material and feed production and the piglet trial were dicussed and conclusions were drawn.
For more information click on the link below:
A4 project alternatieve eiwitbronnen in kuikenvoeding versie aug 2020